Wearing Jewellery in School
Jewellery in school
As a general principle, children should not wear any jewellery in school. A watch is permissible as long as it does not enable children to access the internet or take photographs, i.e. some Smartwatches.
Pupils may wear small plain stud earrings if they have recently had their ears pierced, but earrings should not be worn for PE lessons or swimming. Please remove these from your child's ears before they come to school on these days.
If a child is not able to remove their own earrings, they will be given micropore tape so that they can cover their earrings themselves before taking part in their PE lesson. The child will then remove the tape after the lesson.
If a child cannot cover their own earrings in tape (for example: they are allergic, or they are too young to be able to do this), then they will not be able to actively take part in the lesson, but will be given an observational/feedback role.